Shares of Bharat Forge were up over 2% at Rs 764 on the Bombay Stock Exchange after the company said that its joint venture with Alstom has received an order from NTPC.
Alstom Bharat Forge Power Pvt Ltd (ABFPPL), the joint venture company between GE and Bharat Forge Ltd., signed a contract worth $219 million (Rs 1,495 crore) approximately with NTPC Ltd, the company said in a release.
ABFPPL will supply two units of 800MW ultra-supercritical steam turbine generator islands, on EPC basis, for the Telangana Super Thermal Power Project Phase-I, the release added.
The stock opened at Rs 759 and touched a high of Rs 773. At 10:50am, over 500,000 shares were traded on both the stock exchanges.