Bharat Heavy Electricals surged 1.08% to Rs 253 on the BSE after the company successfully installed a 250 megawatts thermal unit in Rajasthan.
The BHEL unit was commissioned at Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam's 2x250 megawatts (MW) Chhabra Thermal Power Project (TPP) stage-II, in the Baran District of Rajasthan.
With the commissioning of this fourth 250 MW unit at Chhabra TPP, the capacity of the coal-based thermal power plant rose up to 1,000 Mega Watts.
The stock opened at Rs 251, touched a high of Rs 254 and a low of Rs 251 on the BSE. Over 312,672 shares were traded on the BSE so far.