Bhushan Steel has hit a 52-week high of Rs 68.55, up 14% on BSE in intra-day trade on back of eight-fold jump in trading volumes, after media report suggests that the company gets scheme for sustainable structuring of stressed assets (S4A) ready.
“A final proposal for S4A was submitted recently. People close to the development said State Bank of India (SBI) and Punjab National Bank (PNB) were the lead bankers to the group, which has been in financial distress for some time,” the Business Standard report suggests. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REPORT
The BSE said,
“A final proposal for S4A was submitted recently. People close to the development said State Bank of India (SBI) and Punjab National Bank (PNB) were the lead bankers to the group, which has been in financial distress for some time,” the Business Standard report suggests. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REPORT
The BSE said,