Steel scrips were the worst hit on Monday with the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex falling 0.61 per cent (30.97 points) to close at 5033.69. |
The newly constituted BSE Metal index lost 3.41 per cent on debut even as the rising international oil prices and high domestic inflation led to the market tank once again. |
Blue-chips witnessed heavy selling with 19 out of the 30 scrips in the Sensex basket closing lower. Losers edged out gainers 10:7 on the BSE. Brokers said that inflation fears and price cuts by steel majors outweighed gains by technology issues which saw some buying ahead of TCS listing. |
Tata Steel was the biggest loser in the Sensex basket, falling 5.6 per cent to Rs 245.15. The SAIL scrip fell more than 7 per cent to Rs 37.50. |
The market was not enthused by Standard & Poor's decision to upgrade the outlook of India's "BB" long-term foreign currency rating to positive from stable today. However, analysts saw it as a vote of confidence for the economy. |
A dealer from local brokerage said, "The market was not enthused by the S&P's upgradation as worries over inflation and higher international oil prices persist, despite oil prices easing marginally on Monday." He added that a lack of a strong positive trigger is hampering the market, though most funds and institutions still believe in the India growth story. |