Britannia Industries hit a new high of Rs 5,057, up 1% on the BSE in otherwise subdued market. The stock was trading higher for the fourth straight trading days, seen its market capitalization crossing Rs 600 billion mark in intra-day trade on Tuesday.
Britannia Industries has outperformed the market by 5% in past one week, as compared to 2% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. In past one year, the stock rallied 54% against 19% gain in the benchmark index.
Since February 12, 2018, post October-December (Q3FY18) results, Britannia up 9% after the company said its consolidated net
Britannia Industries has outperformed the market by 5% in past one week, as compared to 2% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. In past one year, the stock rallied 54% against 19% gain in the benchmark index.
Since February 12, 2018, post October-December (Q3FY18) results, Britannia up 9% after the company said its consolidated net