Cadila Healthcare gained as much as 7.1% to hit its all-time high of Rs 504.80 in intra-day deals after Zydus' Moraiya Plant received its first product approval post successful USFDA Audit.
“Zydus Cadila has received the final approval from the USFDA to markets Levofloxacin Injection, 500 mg/20 ml and 750 mg/30 ml (25 mg/ml). Levofloxacin is used in the treatment of bacterial infections and will be produced at group's formulations manufacturing facility at Moraiya, Ahmedabad,” the company said in a statement.
Adding: “This is significant as it marks the beginning of the approval process for the filings made
“Zydus Cadila has received the final approval from the USFDA to markets Levofloxacin Injection, 500 mg/20 ml and 750 mg/30 ml (25 mg/ml). Levofloxacin is used in the treatment of bacterial infections and will be produced at group's formulations manufacturing facility at Moraiya, Ahmedabad,” the company said in a statement.
Adding: “This is significant as it marks the beginning of the approval process for the filings made