Cardamom prices rose by Rs 34.30, or 2.71 per cent, to Rs 1,298 per kg in futures trade today on the back of pick up in demand in the spot market.
Restricted arrivals at spot markets from producing regions also supported the price rise.
At the Multi Commodity Exchange, cardamom for September-month contract rose by Rs 34.30, or 2.71 per cent, to Rs 1,298 per kg in a trading volume of 147 lots, while October delivery surged by Rs 29.30, or 2.59 per cent, to Rs 1,160 per kg in a business turnover of 42 lots.
The spice of November month contract gained Rs 23.70, or 2.18 per cent, to Rs 1,107.80 per kg in 38 lots.
Traders said pick up in demand in the spot market for the on-going festive season attributed to the rise in cardamom prices at the futures market.
Besides, restricted arrivals from southern region too supported the uptrend in prices, they said.