Export earnings from cashew nut slipped by 6.8 per cent to Rs 2,288 crore in 2007-08 (April-March) as compared with Rs 2,455 crore in 2006-07, according to a Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) official. |
The volume of exports came down to 114,340 tonnes from 118,540 tonnes in the corresponding period, she said. |
Appreciation of the rupee against the US dollar and competition from Vietnam were the main reasons for the fall in value and quantity of exports, dealers said. |
Average export earnings declined to Rs 200.18 a kg as compared with Rs 207.12 a kg in the earlier year, the official said. |
However, the quantity of raw cashew nuts imported for processing and re-export moved up to 605,970 tonnes from 556,044 tonnes. |
"The value of raw cashew nut imports came down to Rs 1,746 crore from Rs 1,811 crore as the average cost of imports slipped to Rs 28.83 a kg from Rs 30.91," she said. |
The quantity of cashew-shell liquid exports rose to 7,813 tonnes from 6,139 tonnes. Export earnings from cashew-shell liquid rose to Rs 11.2 crore as compared with Rs 10.03 crore in 2006-07, the official said. |
Cashew nuts are mainly exports to the US and Europe. |