Chana prices gained Rs 4 or 0.19 per cent to Rs 2,142 per quintal in futures market today on pick up in demand in the spot market.
Restricted arrivals from the producing regions also supported the uptrend. At the Multi Commodity Exchange, chana for August-month contract gained Rs 4, or 0.19 per cent, to Rs 2,142 per quintal, with an open interest of 227 lots.
The commodity for delivery in July contract also edged up by Rs 3, or 0.14 per cent, to Rs 2,102 per quintal, with a business turnover of 2,300 lots.
Traders said fresh buying by speculators on pick up in demand in the spot market, against limited arrivals helped chana prices to trade higher at futures market.
Some enquiries from dal mills also gave a positive impact on the prices, they said.