Chana prices rose by Rs 34 to Rs 3,340 per quintal in futures trade today, driven by strong demand in the spot market for the ongoing festival season.
Enquiries by millers at lower levels amid a fall in supply from the producing regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat further supported the uptrend in futures trade.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, September chana rose by Rs 34, or 0.98%, to Rs 3,340 per quintal, with an open interest for 2,18,050 lots.
The November contract rose by Rs 33, or 0.95%, to Rs 3,513 per quintal, with an open interest for 75,460 lots.
Chana for delivery in October also rose by Rs 32, or 0.94%, to Rs 3,436 per quintal, with an open interest for 2,61,430 lots.
Traders said speculators increasing their holdings on hopes of a rise in spot market demand for the ongoing festival season mainly pushed up chana futures prices.