Chana prices rose by Rs 78 to Rs 4,394 per quintal in futures trade today on hopes of a pick up in domestic buying from millers and retailers due to festive season amid thin supplies.
Enquiries from millers at lower levels amid a fall in supply from the producing regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat supported the uptrend in futures trade.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, chana for November delivery rose by Rs 78, or 1.81%, to Rs 4,394 per quintal, with an open interest for 69,670 lots.
October chana rose by Rs 36, or 0.80%, to Rs 4,555 per quintal, with an open interest for 63,900 lots.
Traders said speculators increased their holdings on hopes of a rise in spot market demand, which mainly pushed up chana futures prices.
Restricted arrivals of the commodity in the physical market due to lower estimated output influenced the prices.