Maize prices in Nizamabad are expected to trade higher towards Rs 1,550 a quintal from the current level of Rs 1,515 a quintal following limited stocks and steady buying by end-users. Crop concern in traditional Maize-growing belts of Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra will also support the prices.
Castor Seed
Castor seed prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs 4,250 a quintal from the current price of Rs 4,190 a quintal on arrival of lean season. Higher meal and oil prices in the global market on the back of weakening rupee and strong demand will support the seed prices in domestic market.
Prerana Desai,
Vice-president-research - agri value chain, Edelweiss Integrated Commodity Management
Vice-president-research - agri value chain, Edelweiss Integrated Commodity Management