Mustard seed
Mustard seed is trading at Rs 4,176 per quintal at the benchmark Jaipur market. In the coming days, prices are expected to head towards Rs 4,250 per quintal. Strong buying by processors amid good demand for mustard meal and oil would support the firm trend in the near term.
Mustard seed is trading at Rs 4,176 per quintal at the benchmark Jaipur market. In the coming days, prices are expected to head towards Rs 4,250 per quintal. Strong buying by processors amid good demand for mustard meal and oil would support the firm trend in the near term.
Barley prices in Jaipur market are trading at ~1,445 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,420 per quintal following pressure on account of harvest, the prevailing higher stocks and likely subdued buying by stockists.
Barley prices in Jaipur market are trading at ~1,445 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,420 per quintal following pressure on account of harvest, the prevailing higher stocks and likely subdued buying by stockists.