Soymeal is trading at Rs 30,859 per tonne at the benchmark Indore markets. In the coming days, prices are expected to head towards Rs 30,000 per tonne. Though bean supplies are tight, demand for meal is also weak, which would weigh on sentiment. Domestic demand for soymeal has slowed down with the onset of summer season. Fresh enquiries from international markets are also subdued as Indian origin soymeal is trading at a high premium to global markets.
Maize is trading at Rs 1,260 per quintal in Nizamabad. Prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs
Soymeal is trading at Rs 30,859 per tonne at the benchmark Indore markets. In the coming days, prices are expected to head towards Rs 30,000 per tonne. Though bean supplies are tight, demand for meal is also weak, which would weigh on sentiment. Domestic demand for soymeal has slowed down with the onset of summer season. Fresh enquiries from international markets are also subdued as Indian origin soymeal is trading at a high premium to global markets.
Maize is trading at Rs 1,260 per quintal in Nizamabad. Prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs