Soybean is trading at Rs 3,771 per quintal on the benchmark Indore market. For the week ahead prices are expected to head towards Rs 3,700 per quintal. Subdued demand from processors due to slowdown in meal off take could weigh on prices in the near term.
Sugar prices in Kolhapur are likely to fall and could trade between Rs 2,850-Rs 2,900 a quintal from the current price of Rs 3,035 per quintal. Despite scrapping export duty, huge sugar stocks in the market following relentless supplies from mills and muted demand from bulk buyers are likely
Soybean is trading at Rs 3,771 per quintal on the benchmark Indore market. For the week ahead prices are expected to head towards Rs 3,700 per quintal. Subdued demand from processors due to slowdown in meal off take could weigh on prices in the near term.
Sugar prices in Kolhapur are likely to fall and could trade between Rs 2,850-Rs 2,900 a quintal from the current price of Rs 3,035 per quintal. Despite scrapping export duty, huge sugar stocks in the market following relentless supplies from mills and muted demand from bulk buyers are likely