Maize is trading at Rs 1,957 per quintal in Nizamabad. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,900 a quintal over the next couple of weeks. This is on stock liquidation pressure by farmers across South India and likely downward revision in the price of wheat on government's open market sales.
Refined soy oil
Refined soy oil is trading at at Rs 898 per 10 kilograms in Indore market. In the week ahead, prices are expected to head towards Rs 875 per 10 kilograms. Weak demand and global cues are expected to keep the undertone
Maize is trading at Rs 1,957 per quintal in Nizamabad. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,900 a quintal over the next couple of weeks. This is on stock liquidation pressure by farmers across South India and likely downward revision in the price of wheat on government's open market sales.
Refined soy oil
Refined soy oil is trading at at Rs 898 per 10 kilograms in Indore market. In the week ahead, prices are expected to head towards Rs 875 per 10 kilograms. Weak demand and global cues are expected to keep the undertone