Spot 28mm cotton prices in Akola, Maharashtra, are expected to go up by 500-1,000 rupees a candy (1 candy=356 kg) in the next few weeks on fears of crop damage due to floods and rise in demand, traders said. |
"Fears of crop damage is leading to rise in prices as heavy rains have lashed the crop growing areas of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Orissa," said Sharad Gupta, an Akola-based trader. |
Akola is the major market for 28mm cotton in the country. Orissa has also started re-sowing as the crop, which was sown in the end of June, had been destroyed due to excessive rains, he said. |
Crop damage in Andhra Pradesh, if any, will be established only after two to three days, traders said. |
Water logging in cotton fields for more than two days is bad for the crop and they become susceptible to diseases and worms, Gupta said. |
New cotton crop, which was expected by October 15, is likely to be delayed another couple of weeks due to heavy rains and water logging, traders said. |
Demand for 28mm cotton is also rising with exports of around 4.5 mln bales (1 bale=170 kg) to China and Bangladesh, traders said. |
On Thursday, spot 28mm cotton in Akola was up 200 rupees a candy from Wednesday at 17,500 rupees, traders said. |
Spot prices of 28mm cotton in Akola have risen by 600 rupees a candy since last Thursday. |