Production of commodities such as cotton, rice and wheat in India are expected to go up this year, while that of sugar and coffee would come down, according to a report by World Bank. After declining three per cent last season, the global cotton output, however, is likely to remain unchanged, with top supplier India seen contributing the most, says the quarterly Commodity Markets Outlook report of World Bank.
According to the report, India's cotton production is expected to increase to 6.45 million tonne (mt) this season, from 5.88 mt in 2015-16. Rice production, 103.5 mt in 2015-16, is expected grow to 105 mt in 2016-17. Wheat production is also expected to grow to 88 mt, from 86.5 mt last year. Production of coffee is expected to come down from 5.2 million bags (1 bag weighs 60 kg) in 2015-16 to 5.17 million bags in 2016-17.
Sugar production is expected to be down to 25.5 mt, from 27.7 mt last year.