Shares of Crisil continued their northward movement and hit a fresh 52-week high of Rs 1,745, up 2 per cent on the BSE on Monday in an otherwise subdued market. The stock of the rating agency company was trading at its highest level since October 2018.
In the past three months, the stock has outperformed the market by surging 39 per cent as the company reported a good set of numbers led by rating business for the quarter ended September 2019 (Q3CY19). In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex has gained 10 per cent during the same period.
In the past three months, the stock has outperformed the market by surging 39 per cent as the company reported a good set of numbers led by rating business for the quarter ended September 2019 (Q3CY19). In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex has gained 10 per cent during the same period.