Shares of Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals surged 15 per cent to Rs 328 on the BSE on Friday after the company reported 27.7 per cent year on year (YoY) growth in net profit at Rs 142 crore for the quarter ended September 2020 (Q2FY21). The household appliances company's stock was trading at its 52-week high level.
Net sales for the quarter grew 12.8 per cent at Rs 1,213 crore on YoY basis. Electrical consumer durables segment grew by 18 per cent, driven by strong performance in all segments. Lighting business continued on its recovery path on the back of
Net sales for the quarter grew 12.8 per cent at Rs 1,213 crore on YoY basis. Electrical consumer durables segment grew by 18 per cent, driven by strong performance in all segments. Lighting business continued on its recovery path on the back of