In conversation with Puneet Wadhwa, SAMPATH REDDY, chief investment officer, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance says going ahead, the global easy liquidity period will come to an end. This will lead to a cut in flows to emerging markets, he says. Edited excerpts:
How do you see the global financial markets playing out in calendar year 2017?
Global financial markets would be dominated by news flow from the US viz. interest rates, policy of the new Trump administration. Overall, the global easy liquidity period will come to an end as the US is already in the tightening its monetary
How do you see the global financial markets playing out in calendar year 2017?
Global financial markets would be dominated by news flow from the US viz. interest rates, policy of the new Trump administration. Overall, the global easy liquidity period will come to an end as the US is already in the tightening its monetary