RPG Transmission soared to the 20% upper limit of Rs 159 after the company announced the winning of a fresh order worth Rs 110 crore from Power Grid Corporation of India. The stock is now up 17.5% at Rs 156, and the counter has clocked a volume of around six lakh shares. TRF has received a Rs 152.60 crore coal handling plant order from Bhilai Electric Supply. The stock has zoomed to 5% upper limit and is currently locked at the same level. The counter has clocked a volume of around 11,600 shares with pending buy orders for nearly 23,000 shares. Punj Lloyd is planning to raise $125 million via an FCCB issue. The company has priced each FCCB at 25% premium to yesterday's closing price. The stock touched a high of Rs 1,129, and is now up 3.2% at Rs 1,125 on a volume of around 2.04 lakh shares. 3i Infotech today sucessfully completed its $50 million FCCB issue. Each FCCB was priced at Rs 230 - a 33% premium to yesterday's close. The stock surged to a high of Rs 182, and is now up 3.6% at Rs 179. Around 2.13 lakh shares have changed hands at the counter. A fresh round of selling has dragged the Sensex to the day's low of 10,597. The index is now down 19 points at 10,608. |