Delta Corp slipped over 4 per cent in early trade on the BSE to Rs 252.65 following reports that the Goa government imposed fresh restrictions on occupancy rate to entertainment parks including casinos in wake of the Omicron threat.
According to reports, the Goa government on Wednesday has ordered to run Casinos, cinema halls, auditoriums, river cruises, water parks & entertainment parks at a maximum of 50 per cent capacity. The state also restricted the entry of non-vacinated people into Goa.
Shares of Delta Corp which operated casinos in Goa are witnessing some selling pressure. At 10:15 am,
According to reports, the Goa government on Wednesday has ordered to run Casinos, cinema halls, auditoriums, river cruises, water parks & entertainment parks at a maximum of 50 per cent capacity. The state also restricted the entry of non-vacinated people into Goa.
Shares of Delta Corp which operated casinos in Goa are witnessing some selling pressure. At 10:15 am,