Shares of Delta Corp, which is engaged in casino gaming business, plunged 13 per cent at Rs 186 on Monday in early morning trade on the back of heavy volumes. The stock was trading at its lowest level since September 25, 2017.
In the past two trading days, the company's share price has tanked 19 per cent after a media report suggested that DG GST Intelligence had booked two Goa companies, including Delta Corp, for Rs 6,189 crore GST evasion.
According to a CNBC-TV18 report on Friday, the two companies evaded GST by camouflaging a mixed supply of
In the past two trading days, the company's share price has tanked 19 per cent after a media report suggested that DG GST Intelligence had booked two Goa companies, including Delta Corp, for Rs 6,189 crore GST evasion.
According to a CNBC-TV18 report on Friday, the two companies evaded GST by camouflaging a mixed supply of