Delta Corp has moved higher by 7% to Rs 165 on BSE in the afternoon trade on the back of heavy volumes. The stock has appreciated by 73% from its recent low of Rs 95.40 touched on December 26, 2016, as compared to 12% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Post demonetization, between November 8 and December 26, the stock had declined 41% from Rs 162, against 6.5% decline in the benchmark index. It hit a record high of Rs 195 on October 16, during intra-day trade.
In October-December (Q3FY17) quarter, Delta Corp reported 69% decline in its
Post demonetization, between November 8 and December 26, the stock had declined 41% from Rs 162, against 6.5% decline in the benchmark index. It hit a record high of Rs 195 on October 16, during intra-day trade.
In October-December (Q3FY17) quarter, Delta Corp reported 69% decline in its