Dilip Buildcon (DBL) surged 12% to Rs 1,122, also its new high on the BSE, in intra-day trade after the company received highway projects worth of Rs 42.77 billion from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).
DBL on Thursday, March 29 said it has won a Rs 10.04 billion road contract from the NHAI in Madhya Pradesh. The project involves construction of road tunnel, viaduct and Churhat Bypass of Rewa Sidhi Section of NH 75E in Madhya Pradesh on build, operate and transfer mode.
The construction period of the project is 18 months. The operation period for
DBL on Thursday, March 29 said it has won a Rs 10.04 billion road contract from the NHAI in Madhya Pradesh. The project involves construction of road tunnel, viaduct and Churhat Bypass of Rewa Sidhi Section of NH 75E in Madhya Pradesh on build, operate and transfer mode.
The construction period of the project is 18 months. The operation period for