Dish TV slipped 11% to Rs 81.30 on BSE in intra-day trade on the back of heavy volumes after the company reported a net loss of Rs 28 crore in March quarter (Q4FY17). The company had posted a net profit of Rs 483 crore in a year ago quarter.
The company’s operating revenues during the quarter under review declined 6.3% to Rs 709 crore quarter-on-quarter. Ebitda (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) margin recorded at 26.9% compared to 32.6%.
Analysts on an average had expected a net profit of Rs 25 crore on revenues of Rs 748
The company’s operating revenues during the quarter under review declined 6.3% to Rs 709 crore quarter-on-quarter. Ebitda (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) margin recorded at 26.9% compared to 32.6%.
Analysts on an average had expected a net profit of Rs 25 crore on revenues of Rs 748