Shares of Ajanta Soya hit 20 per cent upper circuit at Rs 183.75 on the BSE on Tuesday after ace investor Dolly Khanna bought nearly 1 per cent stake in the edible oil company via an open market transcation. The stock was trading at its record high level, and has surged 32 per cent in the past two trading days.
On Monday, November 22, 2021, Dolly Khanna purchased 140,000 equity shares, representing 0.87 per cent of total equity of Ajanta Soya, at price of Rs 147.72 per share on the BSE, exchange data shows. As of September 30, 2021,
On Monday, November 22, 2021, Dolly Khanna purchased 140,000 equity shares, representing 0.87 per cent of total equity of Ajanta Soya, at price of Rs 147.72 per share on the BSE, exchange data shows. As of September 30, 2021,