The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended at the highest level in six years on Thursday on encouraging quarterly reports from companies like General Motors and increased optimism about earnings. Tech shares, however, slipped on the Nasdaq after eBay gave a disappointing revenue forecast. While the Dow gained 64.12 points to end at 11,343, the Nasdaq Composite slipped eight points to 2,362. For the Dow, this was the highest close since January 20, 2000 and is not far from its lifetime high of 11,750.28, which it hit on January 14, 2000. Indian ADRs finished with gains yesterday. Tata Motors gained 4.6% to $21.41. Satyam was up 2% to $40.30. Infosys, Wipro, Dr. Reddy's, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank also closed with gains. |