Dr Lal PathLabs has slipped to its 52-week low of Rs 780, down 6.5% in intra-day trade, after two per cent of total equity has changed hands on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and BSE through block deals.
At 11:20 am; around 1.72 million equity shares representing 2% of total equity of Dr Lal PathLabs have changed hands on NSE and BSE, the exchanges data shows.
The name of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
Thus far in the calendar year 2017, the stock of healthcare services provider has underperformed the market by falling 27%
At 11:20 am; around 1.72 million equity shares representing 2% of total equity of Dr Lal PathLabs have changed hands on NSE and BSE, the exchanges data shows.
The name of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
Thus far in the calendar year 2017, the stock of healthcare services provider has underperformed the market by falling 27%