Shares of Eicher Motors, on Thursday, slipped 4 per cent to an over three-month low of Rs 2,384 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in intra-day trade as analysts remain cautious about the company's prospects, going ahead, both on the volume front as well as the margin performance on account of slowing demand momentum, commodity price impact and increasing competition in the premium motorcycle segment.
The stock of Eicher Motors, the listed parent company of Royal Enfield, is trading at its lowest level since December 22, 2020. At 12:44 pm, the stock was trading 4 per cent lower at Rs
The stock of Eicher Motors, the listed parent company of Royal Enfield, is trading at its lowest level since December 22, 2020. At 12:44 pm, the stock was trading 4 per cent lower at Rs