In Thursday's broad-based sell-off, all the sectoral indices on the NSE were trading in the red. Nifty Pharma index was down 1.2 per cent, while the Nifty FMCG index traded nearly 1 per cent lower at 29,088 levels. Thus far in the week, the Nifty Pharma index has slipped 5 per cent, while the Nifty FMCG has slipped nearly 4 per cent. In comparison, the benchmark Nifty50 index has slipped 3 per cent, data show.
Despite the market correction, there are some stocks from the FMCG and pharma sectors - considered classic defensive plays - that can be bought
Despite the market correction, there are some stocks from the FMCG and pharma sectors - considered classic defensive plays - that can be bought