The scrip pared all the gains and touched a low of Rs 460. The stock finally ended flat at Rs 464. The counter clocked volumes of 6,418 shares as comapred to the teo-week daily average traded volumes of 6,862 shares.
(Updated at 1104hrs)
Kolkata based FMCG major Emami has moved up on diversification plans.
The stock opened at Rs 485, touched a high of Rs 489 and slipped to a low of Rs 460. The scrip is now trading at Rs 472, up 2% from the previous close. The counter has clocked volumes of 1,443 shares as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 6,862 shares on the BSE.
The company is diversifying into cement business and will invest Rs 1,750 crore to set up production units in the next three years.
Click here to red more: Emami to foray into cement biz