Although Endosulfan is banned in Kerala for the last six to seven years, the highly toxic pesticide continues to be widely used in the state, especially in the plantation sector of Idukki, Wayanad and Palakkad districts. With no official mechanism to curb smuggling, the banned pesticide is being brought into the state in plastic cans and bottles through the borders.
On Saturday, 27 women plantation workers fell ill with symptoms caused by the pesticide in Kailasappara, near Vandanmedu in Idukki district and 11 were admitted to the nearby hospital with complaints of vomitting and shivering.
Toxic pesticides are widely used in cardamom plantations of Idukki district, which accounts for aorund 55 per cent of the national production of the spice. The use of pesticides has increased over the last few weeks, to fight fungus infection in cardamom crop caused by untimely and incessant rainfall. As cardamom fetches very high prices now — the average price is Rs 1,050 a kg — farmers are resorting to pesticide use, ignoring their side effects to maximise their production.
Ban, only on paper
Pesticides which have Endosulfan-content are being smuggled from Kambam-Theni area of Tamil Nadu where the pesticide is not banned. Endosulfan is smuggled into Idukki on jeeps, cars and even in public vehicles, but it is not checked either at the forest check posts or at the commercial taxes check posts. The state agricutlrue department does not have a mechanism of its own to curb the influx of Endosulfan. With the government's failure to check the movement of the banned pesticide, the ban is now only on paper.
The government machinery remained inactive even in the face of media focus on the smuggling. Recently, the crews of a few local TV channels were able to openly transport Endosulfan-labelled cans into the state.
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The human cost in Kasargod
Meanwhile, in Cheemeni in the northern Kasargod district, one more person died due to cancer that developed becuase of his exposure to Endosulfan. In the last 4-5 weeks, three deaths have been reported from the district due to Endosulfan-related illnesses. Around 5,000 people in the district, most of them children, are suffering from various physical and mental problems caused by exposure to aerial spray of Endosulfan in the cashhewnut plantations.
According to unofficial estimates, 150 deaths were reported in the district and there are adverse effects on animals too. The effects are now spreading to other villages through the widespread spraying that happened almost a decade ago. Apart from the physical illnesses, serious social implications have surfaced. Marriage alliances for youth from these villages have fallen to a mimimum as people are wary of future health problems to the children born to them.
Not only the atmosphere, but even water resources are contaminated in various villages of the district. Five villages are particularly seriously affected. According to sources, Jairam Ramesh, Union minister of state for environment and forests, plans to visit these villages shortly.
Tablets for coconuts
The use of Endosulfan-based pesticides has spread to many different agri-products to prevent decay and damage. It is being widely used by cashewnut processing companies in Kollam distirct including on products meant for export. In the eastern parts of Ernakulam district, toxic pesticides are used in pine apple plantations both on the plants and fruits. Urea is also recklessly applied on pine apple and banana plantations in order to ensure large-sized fruit/bunches.
In coconut, toxic chemicals in the form of tablets are screwed into the trunks of trees in various places. Earlier, urea used to be mixed and added through the soil. But now, it is being added directly to the coconut trees in order to ensure maximium coconuts from the tree. In Palakkad district, endosulfan is widely used in mango plantations of Muthalamada area and on various other crops.
As the prices of most of the agricultural crops are on the rise in recent years, farmers have taken to using toxic pesticides to maximise their production. A major chunk of agricultural workers spray these deadly chemicals without proper safety gear, using only a bath towel covering their faces. The pesticide use is spreading to godowns and is now widespread as a preservative in the case of fruits, onion and vegetables.
Govt hikes pension
The Kerala cabinet today decided to double the pension to those who are unable to work due to Endosulfan-related health problems in Kasargod district to Rs 2,000 per month.