The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Mumbai Police said on Friday that it was on the process of recording statements of Shankarlal Guru, the ex-chairman of the beleaguered National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL) which faces Rs 5,574 crore payment crisis.
The EOW is probing the role of Guru in financing his close relative Nilesh Patel, managing director of N K Proteins, the largest defaulter of NSEL with a payment obligation of Rs 969.89 crore. Patel was arrested by EOW on October 22. Since then, he has been serving judicial custody as his bail plea was rejected by the Sessions Court.
Also, EOW on Friday hinted that it would summon NSEL directors and brokers for questioning before filing a formal charge sheet.
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Meanwhile, three borrowers including Aastha Minmet, PD Agroprocessors and Yathuri Associates have expressed their willingness to settle the outstanding amount in six months. These three NSEL defaulters have obligations of Rs 26.47 crore, Rs 639.55 crore and Rs 424.64 crore of payment obligations to NSEL as on July 15. They are set to sign the agreement soon.
Also, the EOW has recorded statements of 8-10 investors for the charge sheet.