Essar Shipping ended 3.51 per cent higher after a huge block deal of around 80 lakh shares was executed on this counter at a premium to yesterday's closing price. |
The stock as a result closed at Rs 35.35, with volumes accounting for more than 94,71,000 shares on the BSE. Market analyst said, the counter witnessed big volumes today as the average volume at the counter was between 15 to 20 lakh. |
Today's block deal of 80 lakh shares constitutes nearly 2.4 per cent of its equity. The shares were bought by Chandrakaunsh Traders Pvt Ltd at Rs 34.35 per share. |
Essar Investments sold these shares. The company sources said that its an internal transfer among the group companies. |
The buzz in the market is that the company may make some corporate announcement, sources suggested. Market analysts said, shipping sector stock were back in limelight in the past two days after the government withdrew services tax. |