Financial Technologies (FT) stock surged 4.3% to Rs 350.50 on Thursday. A day earlier a report suggested that Tech Mahindra could buy a significant stake in Jignesh Shah-promoted market technologies solutions provider Financial Technologies.
In an exchange filing, FT clarified: "As a policy of the Company, we do not wish to comment on any speculative news article; hence we would not like to offer any comments on the said news reporting and also on the price rise of the Company’s share.
“We have no comments. It is not our policy to comment on market rumours or speculation. Any definitive development of any substantive nature will be first notified to the stock exchanges in full compliance with Listing Agreement, so as to ensure uniform and simultaneous disclosure to all the investors. "
As a responsible corporate and as a matter of good corporate governance practice, any price sensitive information pertaining to operations or performance of the company, or such other information as required under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement, will be first notified to the Stock Exchanges to comply with the Listing Agreement."