Reams have already been written on what the newest internet browser on the block, the Mozilla Firefox, means for market leader Microsoft and for the domination that its product Internet Explorer enjoys. But here's what Firefox could mean for you: |
For starters, more security. The fact that Mozilla has been able to go out and tell the whole world "" and it is the truth "" that its internet browser is far more secure, is also at some levels an indictment of Microsoft's efforts in making the Internet Explorer (IE) more secure. |
While Microsoft did add security patches to its internet explorer when it released the service pack 2 for Windows XP computers in August, these improvements are not available for more archaic Windows systems. |
But here is what is in store for you if you were to download the hottest thing going on the internet from |
So while the pluses have been listed out, one of the major negatives could be that the browser will not open websites that are specifically designed for IE. But with eight million downloads since the announcement by Mozilla of the availability of Firefox, web site designers would do well to kind of start ensuring that their sites do open. |