The Sensex is now up 647 points to 17,596. The NSE Nifty has gained 206 points to 5,135. BHEL has zoomed 10.5% to Rs 2,190. Reliance Energy and Hindalco have soared around 8.5% each to Rs 1,690 and Rs 163, respectively. Reliance Communications has rallied nearly 8% to Rs 602. ONGC has surged 6.6% to Rs 1,007. Larsen & Toubro has advanced 5.5% to Rs 3,457. ICICI Bank and DLF have moved up around 5% each to Rs 1,157 and Rs 855, respectively. Reliance and NTPC are up around 4.5% each at Rs 2,495 and Rs 196, respectively. Out of 2,733 stocks traded so far, 1,888 have advanced, 803 have declined and 42 are unchanged. |