Business Standard

Foreign investors pour $538 mn into Indian bonds in Sept, turn net buyers

The inflows in September "could be a sign of foreign capital returning" to India, said Duncan Tan, a strategist at DBS Bank


The data from regional central banks and bond market associations in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and India showed that Asian local currency bonds received inflows of $1.26 billion last month

Reuters Bengaluru
Foreign investors poured $538 million into Indian bonds in September, the first inflow in seven months, following the trend in other Asian debt markets.

In September, foreign investors poured over $1 billion into Asian government and corporate bonds, more than doubling their investment in local currency debt from the previous month, attracted by higher yields and some signs of economic recovery.  The inflows in September “could be a sign of foreign capital returning” to India, said  Duncan Tan, a strategist at DBS Bank.  He said India’s relatively high-yielding government debt had become attractive for foreigners with the Reserve Bank of India

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