Shares of Fortis Healthcare turned volatile, falling 20 per cent in the intra-day trade from its early morning high on the BSE on Friday after the Supreme Court held former Ranbaxy promoters Malvinder Singh and Shivinder Singh guilty of contempt of court for violating its order asking them not to divest their shares in Fortis Healthcare.
Post the verdict, shares of Fortis Healthcare tumbled 20 per cent to Rs 129, from its intra-day high level on the back of heavy volumes. The stock of healthcare facilities provider hit a 52-week high of Rs 161 after the company said the
Post the verdict, shares of Fortis Healthcare tumbled 20 per cent to Rs 129, from its intra-day high level on the back of heavy volumes. The stock of healthcare facilities provider hit a 52-week high of Rs 161 after the company said the