Shree Ganesh Forgings debuted at Rs 43 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), a 43 per cent premium to its IPO price. The stock after hitting the day's high of Rs 57 finally ended at Rs 43.70. |
The company's public issue for 50 lakh shares at a price of Rs 30 each was subscribed 25.27 times in the retail category with the issue getting over 48,000 applications. |
The IPO opened on May 18 and closed on May 24. The IPO was aimed at part-financing the company's plans to expand its forgings capacity, from 11,000 tonne to 22,880 tonne, at an estimated cost of Rs 32.50 crore. |
Besides the IPO proceeds, the project is funded by a term loan of Rs 12.50 crore. The company is into the entire range of forging used in oil & gas and petrochemicals sector. |
The company's presence in auto forgings is 25 per cent. Nearly 82.73 lakh shares were traded on BSE today. |