Gautam Adani earned Rs 1,612 crore a day in 2021 to become the world's second richest and top the charts in IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2022. The study pegs his (Gautam Adani & family) wealth at a staggering Rs 10.94 trillion – up 15 per cent in the last one year.
ALSO READ: Gautam Adani's rise to world's second-richest boosts equities' clout
ALSO READ: Gautam Adani's rise to world's second-richest boosts equities' clout
Adani was far ahead of Reliance Industries' chairman Mukesh Ambani (Mukesh Ambani & family), whose wealth rose 11 per cent in the last one year, as per IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2022,