Shares of GE Power India have surged 5 per cent to Rs 930 on the BSE on Tuesday in early morning trade, after the company announced winning a contract worth Rs 738 crore from Aravali Power Company Private Limited. Aravali Power Company Private Limited is a Joint venture company of NTPC, Haryana Power Generation Company and Indraprastha Power Generation Company.
"The contract is for design, engineering, civil work, supply, erection and commissioning of wet FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurisation) systems along with auxiliaries like limestone and gypsum handling system and wet stack on full turnkey basis," GE Power India said in
"The contract is for design, engineering, civil work, supply, erection and commissioning of wet FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurisation) systems along with auxiliaries like limestone and gypsum handling system and wet stack on full turnkey basis," GE Power India said in