Both gold and silver became dearer in Saturday's early trade with 10 grams of 24-carat gold selling at Rs 53,730, after an increase of Rs 550. Meanwhile, silver prices rose Rs 700 per kilogram to Rs 64,300 per kg.
Ten grams of 22-carat gold was trading at Rs 49,250 today, after an increase of Rs 500, according to the GoodReturns website.
Ten grams of 22-carat gold was trading at Rs 49,250 today, after an increase of Rs 500, according to the GoodReturns website.
In Mumbai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad, ten grams of gold (24-carat and 22-carat) was selling at Rs 53,730, and Rs 49,250, respectively.
In Delhi, 24-carat and 22-carat gold was trading at Rs 53,900, and Rs 49,400, respectively. In Chennai,