Goldiam International surged by 15 per cent to Rs 117, also its 52-week high, in intra-day trade on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Monday, in an otherwise weak market after investor Ramesh Damani bought more than 1 percentage point stake in the company through open market.
In the past four trading days, the stock has rallied 54 per cent from the level of Rs 76.20 on April 26, 2019, as compared to 1 per cent decline in the benchmark Nifty 50 index.
On Tuesday, April 30, 2019, Ramesh S Damani had acquired 300,000 shares representing 1.3 per
In the past four trading days, the stock has rallied 54 per cent from the level of Rs 76.20 on April 26, 2019, as compared to 1 per cent decline in the benchmark Nifty 50 index.
On Tuesday, April 30, 2019, Ramesh S Damani had acquired 300,000 shares representing 1.3 per