Shares of Greaves Cotton advanced higher by 11 per cent to Rs 171.45 on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade on the back of heavy volumes amid reports that the company's arm Greaves Electric Mobility will double its production capacity.
In the past three days, the stock has rallied 24 per cent after Greaves Electric Mobility, a leading electric two and three-wheeler manufacturer, sold over 10,000 units in December 2021.
At 12:11 pm, Greaves Cotton was trading 9 per cent higher at Rs 167.75, as compared to a 0.26 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. The
In the past three days, the stock has rallied 24 per cent after Greaves Electric Mobility, a leading electric two and three-wheeler manufacturer, sold over 10,000 units in December 2021.
At 12:11 pm, Greaves Cotton was trading 9 per cent higher at Rs 167.75, as compared to a 0.26 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. The