Gur prices fell by Rs 50 per quintal on the wholesale gur (jaggery) market today on sluggish demand by stockists and local parties, against adequate supply from producing region.
Market analysts said sluggish demand against adequate stocks position mainly led to decline in gur prices.
At Delhi, gur chakku, pedi and dhayya prices were down by Rs 50 each to Rs 2,200-2,250, Rs 2,250-2,300 and Rs 2,300-2,350 per quintal, respectively.
In Muzzafarnagar, gur chakku shed Rs 50 to 2,000-2,200 per quintal.
Following were today's quotations per quintal:
Chakku Rs 2,200-2,250, pedi Rs 2,250-2,300, Dhayya Rs 2,300-2,350, and Shakkar Rs 2,500-2,550.
Muzaffarnagar: Raskat Rs 1,800-1,900, chakku Rs 2,000-2,200 and Khurpa Rs 2,000-2,050.
Muradnagar: Pedi Rs 2,100-2,125 and Dhaya Rs 2,100-2,150.