Gur prices weakened by Rs 50 per quintal in the national capital today on sluggish local demand against adequate stocks.
However, gur prices in Muzzafarnar and Muradnagar, held steady in restricted buying support.
Traders said sluggish local demand against adequate stocks mainly led to decline in wholesale gur prices.
At Delhi, gur chakku and pedi prices declined by Rs 50 each to Rs 2,250-2 300 each a quintal.
Gur dhayya and shakkar followed suit and traded lower by the same margin to Rs 2,300-2,350 and Rs 2,500-2,550 per quintal.
Following were today's quotations in Rs per quintal.
Chakku Rs 2,250-2,300, pedi 2,250-2,300, Dhayya Rs 2,300-2,350 and Shakkar Rs 2,500-2,55
Muzaffarnagar: Raskat Rs 1,750-1,850, chakku Rs 2,050-2,250 and Khurpa Rs 2,000-2,050
Muradnagar: Pedi Rs 2,000-2,050 and Dhaya Rs 2,100-2,125