Most private sector bank stocks were trading in the red in the morning deals on Thursday. The Nifty Private Bank index traded 0.57 per cent lower at 13,553 levels with 6 constituents declining and 4 advancing. Nifty Bank, too, was trading in the negative territory - down nearly 0.5 per cent at 24,525 levels. In comparison, the benchmark Nifty50 index was quoting 0.4 per cent lower at 11,889 levels.
Here is a look at how Nifty Bank and key private sector lenders look on charts.
NIFTYBANK: With a successful run above 200-day moving average (DMA), the index is set
Here is a look at how Nifty Bank and key private sector lenders look on charts.
NIFTYBANK: With a successful run above 200-day moving average (DMA), the index is set